Waldorf Streichfett v1.61 Max4Live Controller
Waldorf Streichfett Remote Controller for Ableton Live with Max4Live with randomizer and 4 banks with 16 preset-slots.
You can easily save various setting in 64 preset-slots and recall them via automation. Randomize values of all parameters possible (volume and some parts excluded as these make no sense to randomize).
You also have instant access to all internal sounds 3x4 presets and dump settings from the device via Sysex request. There is also a pitch bender with variable reset-time. More features planned.
v 1.61 Bugfix: the FXs were swapped. Fixed now. Some Font are now slightly bigger.
Added Fonts to download if not installed correctly. Version Number added.
v 1.6 Presets are now saved within Ableton Live Set. Added Fonts in the Zip-File.